Assisted living

ASSISTED LIVING Repair Services in Charleston, SC

Similar to hospitals, assisted living facilities require functioning laundry equipment, and we’re happy to be of service to these facilities all over the Charleston, South Carolina area.

With so many people under one roof, germs can easily spread through the transfer of dirty linens if their industrial laundry equipment isn’t functioning properly. 

At R.Y.A., our technicians can help fix your equipment quickly. If we can’t fix it, we can help you replace the equipment in a timely manner.


If you’re part of an assisted living facility and need industrial laundry equipment repair, think R.Y.A. We can get you back up and running — and ready to take on the laundry needs of your department — in no time.


Becoming a Service & Installation Technician takes years of extensive, intensive training. There are no schools for learning how to repair laundry service equipment.

Our 24-Hour Response Guarantee

The quality of someone’s stay at a facility is directly dependent upon the quality of the amenities that facility offers. If a washing machine or dryer is out of service for an extended period of time, the quality of stay is affected — and this can be bad for business.



Those who don’t work in healthcare may not realize the importance of clean linens for patient safety and minimizing the spread of germs. We also service equipment at other medical facilities, including nursing homes.


It’s no secret that the hospitality industry is a big one in the great city of Charleston. At R.Y.A., we offer fast and professional repair, so your services are never delayed longer than necessary.

Contact Us

Does your hotel, hospital, or other facility need immediate laundry equipment repair?
Call R.Y.A.! Our expert team can have your business back up to full speed as fast as possible. Contact us today!

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